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... goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." Although these words come from Proverbs 16:18, the sentiment is common...


At the end of his eulogy to Caesar, Marc Antony, knowing he had succeeded in turning the Roman mob against Brutus and his...


Today is the 50th anniversary of the Watergate break-in; hence the title of this post which stands for Committee to Re-elect the...


...or stupidity? Earlier this month when President Biden announced discontinuation of the use of Title 42 to deny entry to migrants at...

Emmett Till's legacy?

The Emmett Till Anti-lynching Act was recently passed by Congress and signed into law by President Biden. News reports mostly emphasized...


This post was inspired by a recent op-ed by George Will titled "How America became nation of the woke and the wary". In it Mr. Will...

Crisis and opportunity

In February 2021 I wrote a post titled "A crisis is...". To the list of problems plaguing the planet back then we can now add Russia's...

There is a tide...

When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 Western cold warriors all along the political spectrum quite justifiably patted themselves on the...


It is fairly well-established that Republicans have succeeded in cobbling together majorities in elections at the local, state and...


By this, the first anniversary of 1/6, we have had ample time to process the range of reactions to the events, not just of that day but...

A tale of two QBs

It was before a 2016 NFL pre-season game that Colin Kaepernick first refused to stand for the national anthem choosing instead to kneel...

Sauce for the goose...

Among the many blessings we Americans take for granted is that, with the exception of 9/11, we have not had a foreign incursion within...

A stitch in time...

...saves nine. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Penny wise, pound foolish. Sayings like these are found in all languages...

Shareholders vs stakeholders

The Nobel Prize in Economics was announced a few days ago. One of the winners, David Card, had studied the effect of raising the minimum...

Caesar's wife

Today's post is about the Fiduciary Rule. When choosing a financial manager we are advised to inquire if the candidate follows the...


As events unfold in Afghanistan in the wake of the US withdrawal there is a bipartisan chorus of critics of President Biden's handling of...

Here, Right Matters

This is the title of a book by Alexander Vindman, retired Lt. Colonel, US Army, with the sub-title An American Story. Listening to the...

Eating your cake...

... and having it too is something we are all tempted to try to do knowing well the difficulty of pulling it off. Examples of this in...

History repeating itself?

Many of us are aware today is the anniversary of the storming of the Bastille in 1789 leading to the overthrow of the French king and the...

Red or dead?

I have wondered about the Republican Party's identification with the color red since red is the color of Communism. It is funny how...

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