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  • drrama7


In the non-medical sense, dysfunction can be defined as unhealthy or problematic behaviors and attitudes within a social system. I believe it is appropriate to call the situation we are in as a society dysfunctional in the extreme. If your response to this statement is "Duh?! Where have been all this time?" you are justified. It's not that I have not been paying attention; just that I have been waiting to see if sanity would return at some point. That I am inspired to pen another post only means that I felt compelled to weigh in and not wait indefinitely.

The manifestations of our societal dysfunction are so many that it is hard to know where to start. The most egregious example is the continuing hold of former president Trump on a majority of Republican voters. After observing his behavior over several years, a reasonable conclusion is that he is amoral in the extreme. The only explanation for his words and actions is that they are dictated by what he perceives to be in his own best interest without regard to the welfare of others. Worse, he has shown he is even willing to subvert the national interest to promote his own. His diabolical ability to read and manipulate people allows him to keep his followers in thrall no matter what he says or does. With the exception of the 2020 election loss he has not had to face the consequences of his behavior. It is incredible that he is still on track to be the GOP nominee for President next year.

That brings me to the next example of our national dysfunction - the supine behavior of most elected Republicans in the face of what they all know is Trump's unacceptable conduct. These are many of the same people who waxed eloquent about family values, the sanctity of the oath of office and morality when it came to the Clintons. Compare that to the chorus of condemnation of New Jersey Sen. Menendez from Democrats. It is telling that the only GOP presidential hopefuls willing to take Trump to task are the ones who are seen to have little or no chance of winning or, in other words, have nothing to lose. I do not think Democrats are paragons of rectitude but the degree of GOP dysfunction is breathtaking. Differences in matters of domestic policy have existed forever. But I have to wonder what Reagan would have thought of his party skewing in favor of the Evil Empire and totalitarianism and against the Western alliance as some Republicans are leaning towards doing at Trump's behest.

Finally, as the Supreme Court starts its new term I must but add it to my list of national woes. It is said that when Stalin was told that the Pope was siding with Nazi Germany he asked derisively how many tank divisions the Pope commanded. The point of the anecdote, regardless of its veracity, is that Stalin did not understand the power of moral authority over military strength. In our system of government the President has executive power and Congress has the power of the purse. The power of the Judiciary lies in the public's perception of its moral authority. That authority is being undermined by this Court's refusal to submit to Congressional oversight or even to institute and enforce its own code of ethics. Surely the Founding Fathers who were so concerned about checks and balances among the branches of government put guard rails against the possibility of judicial hubris. Not being a constitutional scholar, I do not know if they did. And if they did, I am not confident that today's Republicans in Congress would allow them to be enforced. After all, Republican nominees to the Court are in the majority and are doing what they were sent there to do. Even there, the occasional decision which goes against their wishes, as when Chief Justice Roberts cast the deciding vote to uphold the Affordable Care Act, provoked talk of impeaching him for that transgression.

To summarize, and with apologies to the Bard, the fault is not in our stars but in the Party of Lincoln and Reagan. The combination of arrogance and cowardice they are exhibiting can no longer be tolerated as a passing phase because it shows no sign of passing but only worsens the more it is tolerated. Possible explanations for this behavior may be addressed in a future post but the only cure is a resounding thrashing at the polls. The survival of our democracy and our hard-earned standing on the world stage depend on it. This call goes out not only to Middle-of-the-roaders but to right-minded citizens of all political stripes.

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