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  • drrama7

Catch 22... defined as a dilemma from which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting or dependent conditions and accurately describes the position Republicans find themselves in. As the 2024 election approaches, they cannot but think about the 2020 and 2022 elections. The net result of those two elections for the GOP at the federal level was the loss of the White House and of two Senate seats and the gain of a small majority in the House. Gains at the state and local levels, if any, were eclipsed by losses on the abortion and election denial front. Over this less than rosy picture looms the baleful presence of former President Trump who has announced another run for the top job and remains the first choice of eight out of ten Republican voters. As the 2020 election showed this is not enough to win in a general election especially as the Trump brand becomes more and more toxic to the rest of the electorate. So far Republicans, with the sole exception of former Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson, have done what they have been doing ever since Trump whipped them in the 2016 primaries i.e. either kissed the ring or remained silent. Even Mitch McConnell, arguably the most powerful Republican in office, is forced to say he would support Trump if he is the nominee. Even in the wake of his indictment in New York, they are incredibly vying to outdo each other in their expression of outrage in his defense. I for one cannot find a tear to shed in sympathy for them. There is no lack of metaphors for their plight in the English language. The least offensive may be "you reap as you sow". I am sure privately every last one of them wishes him gone. But, like "the cat in the old adage" (Macbeth, Act I, scene 7), they would eat fish but not dirty their paws. Even as they fawn on him and condemn Democrat witch-hunts, I cannot help thinking they would love for Democrats to take care of their problem. However, this is one problem no one else can take care of for them. Trump represents the culmination of policies espoused by the GOP for a long time. They have nurtured the least palatable traits in their base for so long and so well that those traits have now taken over the Party. Democrats should take this lesson to heart and should hew a path down the middle, eschewing the extremism not only of the Republican Right but also of the extreme elements in their own ranks. Middle-of-the-roaders would do well to continue to support moderation with their votes and whatever else they can contribute to this perennial struggle. The last three elections have shown that our votes can and will continue to make a difference.

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