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  • drrama7

The real issue

My last post was about the deplorable qualities of the two current senators from Georgia. They are unfortunately not unique in this respect. Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle are guilty of deplorable behavior. However, Perdue and Loeffler are the only two whose seats remain undecided and the outcome of these races will determine the Senate majority. Which brings me to the real reason middle-of-the-roaders should turn out in big numbers for these run-offs - Mitch McConnell remaining Majority Leader. In the course of his tenure in that position he has earned the name "Grim Reaper" because of his ability to kill legislation he disapproves of. Reasonable people can disagree on various issues and I can understand his dedication to confirming as many conservative judges as possible. What is unacceptable is that he has over the years kept issues such as campaign finance reform from getting a hearing, never mind a vote in the Senate. Other issues he has killed include tobacco and gun control legislation. Majorities of Americans are clearly in favor of limiting the role of money in elections and regulation of gun ownership. Yet as long as Republicans are in the majority in the Senate these changes cannot even be debated. This is particularly galling because less than 40% of voters can and do elect more senators than the other 60%+ over and over again. The run-off elections in Georgia represent a rare opportunity for the majority to make its voice heard and put the brakes on this "tyranny of the minority". Of course, no change can be permanent, but at least for the next two years there will be the possibility of moving forward an agenda that a clear majority of Americans favor, judging by Biden's decisive victory in both the popular vote and the electoral college. Republicans' constant clamour about being the party of personal responsibility, fiscal rectitude, law and order, family values, national security etc. ring hollow in light of their behavior over the past four years. Their willingness to prioritize their political agenda over the national interest has been exposed again and again during the Trump presidency and they deserve to be rejected. Georgia voters can and should do just that.

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