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  • drrama7

Rigged elections?

President Trump continues his whining about rigged elections even as he tries to pursuade Georgia voters to turn out for the two Republican senate candidates. Republican governors, legislators and voters continue to support this charade with responses ranging from active agreement to complicit silence. In media interviews this "alternate fact" is re-enforced time and again. I have yet to hear an interviewer ask them the obvious question. If the election in Georgia and other Republican-controlled states was rigged, who did the rigging? After all, in states run by Republicans, rigging has consisted of gerrymandering in favor of Republicans and every possible form of disenfranchisement of minorities and others who are perceived to favor Democrats. So what is the answer? I'm told trial lawyers have a rule - never ask a witness a question to which you do not already know the answer. So here's my answer to the question. "We the people", having seen through the fog of disinformation finally decided to set aside our familiar complacency and inertia and turned out in unprecedented numbers sufficient to overwhelm all attempts to suppress our vote. We decided to turn out whether in person or by mail despite the pandemic, intimidation and implicit threats of violence at the polls. As a result Trump was denied another term even in deep-red Georgia. This form of "rigging" by voters is not only legal but is the very soul of a functioning democracy; only a wannabe autocrat like Trump can complain about it with a straight face. I say, let him go on complaining. Finally, just maybe, "alternate facts" can be exposed for what they are - a grotesque distortion of the truth, a skewed mirror image of the actual facts. If the phony griping goes on long enough, maybe the scales will fall from the eyes of some of his devoted followers and we can put the last 4 years behind us for good.

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