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  • drrama7

If at first... don't succeed, try, try again. In my last post I said 1/6/21 should be etched into our consciousness just like 9/11/01. I stand by that statement. If anything, the events of 1/6/21 represent a more serious threat to our country because they were unleashed by our own president and carried out by people carrying American flags. No doubt 9/11/01 took its toll in life and property; but in its aftermath we were united. The insurrection of 1/6/21 claimed far fewer lives and caused much less physical damage; but it was meant to deal a blow to our body politic and overturn the will of "we the people". It has left us divided as seldom before. I believe that the people who did this treat 1/6/21 as a dress rehearsal. I hope I am wrong but there is no indication that they are done. I would not be surprised if there is another attempt between now and the inauguration of Joe Biden, better organized, more heavily armed and and carried out by better trained and professional insurrectionists. The only question is, will the authorities be better prepared this time. Can they be better prepared given that Trump will remain president till Biden is sworn in? I feel there should be an overwhelming presence of police and National Guard visible in Washington DC and in all state capitals for as long as may be deemed necessary along with a public announcement of the kind of behavior which will elicit an all-out response from the authorities. I know this sounds drastic but we have an unprecedented situation calling for extraordinary measures. I would prefer such measures turn out to have been unnecessary. But the alternative, looking back on events and wishing we had done more, is unthinkable.

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