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  • drrama7

I can't breathe

Before writing today's post, I would like to answer a reader's question. The question was "Who among today's politicians could be considered middle-of-the-road?" My answer is that no politician of significant stature is middle-of-the-road because so few voters are; precisely why this blog is aimed at the small minority of voters who are repelled by both extremes of the spectrum. The hope is that if enough such voters can be motivated to vote they might succeed in electing moderate representatives.

"I can't breathe" were the last words of Eric Garner and, more recently, George Floyd. We know this because of the presence of witnesses and video proof. Who knows how many other people of color have gone the same way? If only the rest of us were to experience a similar difficulty breathing, figuratively. That this sequence of events continues to take place in full view of the public with cameras is, to say the least, disturbing. What it should say to us is that law enforcement officers responsible for these acts know something the rest of us do not. Incredible as it seems to ordinary people, they are confident that they will not be held accountable. Judging by the outcome of investigations and trials after these incidents, they have good reason for their confidence. One possible explanation for this is the symbiotic (incestuous?) relationship between prosecutors and police. A prosecutor who pursues an investigation and trial of police officers in such cases with any zeal, fears he/she may not get their cooperation in future cases. Another aspect of this is the general acceptance of the use of harsh measures by police when dealing with people of color. Whether it is "stop & frisk" or the use of physical (to the point of lethal) force, these measures appear to be disproportionately used when the suspect is a person of color. Think about it , even if Mr. Garner was selling cigarettes without a permit or Mr. Floyd was forging signatures, was their (mis)treatment and killing by police justified? Incredibly, the law tip-toes around this issue by acquitting the officers if they go to trial and paying large sums to the victims' survivors in civil settlements. Apparently, no one objects to spending tax money to sweep the problem under the rag. Lastly, there is the statement often heard when these incidents occur- that most police are not like this. That would be laughable if it wasn't so maddening. To paraphrase Chris Rock, you don't hear airline executives say "Most of our pilots are good". When dealing with fatal outcomes, that is just not good enough.

I have been using the term "people of color" not because I am unaware that most of these cases involve African Americans but because as a person of color myself I feel this is a case of a distinction without a difference. I am reminded of Niemoller's statement in 1912 "First they came for the socialists; but I said nothing because I wasn't a socialist...". I believe it is safe to say that most people of color have experienced some form of discrimination at some point in their lives. Fortunately, most of us survive most of these experiences with relatively little trauma. That is no reason to turn a blind eye to these incidents. Also, to those who think I am calling out white people, let me say having lived in different parts of the world that I have seen people of all races indulge in discriminatory behavior. The difference is, we live in a country where ordinary citizens have a better chance of influencing change when we decide the status quo is untenable. I don't want to tell you how to vote. But the lines on this issue are clearly drawn. A president who sees "good people" among neo-Nazis and threatens military action against and his party which enables his conduct do not deserve to stay in elected office. Middle-of-the roaders have an obligation to vote this November.

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