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  • drrama7

History repeating itself?

Many of us are aware today is the anniversary of the storming of the Bastille in 1789 leading to the overthrow of the French king and the establishment of the Republic. Few are probably aware this is also the day in 1933 that Germany abolished all political parties except for the National Socialists, better known everywhere as the Nazis. Understandably, when someone is looking to put some atrocity in historical perspective today, the Nazis are an easy mark. Yet no one has thought to draw attention to the 1933 event in Germany in light of what is going on in the US. Before I go any further, let me say that I am not comparing today's Republicans to Nazis in Germany in 1933. After all, they have not tried to abolish the Democratic party. All they are doing is using their legislative majority and executive power in several states to pass laws ostensibly to protect the process of free and fair elections. Their legal experts may have advised them that abolishing opposition parties outright is unlikely to pass the sniff test with voters or get past the judiciary, even one stacked in their favor. Besides, it might prompt the kind of comparison I am stopping just short of here. Wouldn't it be smarter to change the electoral system, plausibly to eliminate fraud, if it could achieve the same goal - that is to disenfranchise enough Democratic voters to ensure Republican control for the foreseeable future? After all what good is studying history if we don't learn to avoid the mistakes made in Europe a century ago? I have to wonder though - would German voters have stood by and allowed the National Socialists to abolish other political parties if they had known what was to follow? And isn't that the lesson of history for all of us? If Republicans are capable of enacting these election laws to ensure their continued control, can we count on them to stop at anything down the road? As we well know - "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely". The Trump presidency was a preview of what could happen; and Trump did not have absolute power - he just behaved as if he did. I don't think it is an exaggeration to say that what we have is an impending disaster. I don't claim to know what we should do, but this I know; complacence is not an option.

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