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  • drrama7

Beyond the pale

The expression is defined as "outside the bounds of acceptable behavior" and fits what Republicans are doing in states where they control the legislature and/or governorships. Any pretense of adherence to established norms has been dropped in the wake of the election of 2020 with the realization that a combination of demographic changes and aggressive voter registration by Democrats may mean continuing Republican losses at all levels. These actions include limiting the ability of people of color to register to vote, decreasing the number of polling places in minority areas, eliminating early, on-line and mail-in voting etc. - all supposedly in order to address election fraud. Republicans continue to propagate the myth of rampant election fraud in spite of such claims being rejected as false not just by the courts packed with judges appointed by Republican presidents but by the secretaries of state in Republican-controlled states. According to Rep. Rodney Hill, R-ILL, such measures are necessary because "the harm to states' electoral process outweighs the minor burdens imposed on the right to vote". In this connection it helps to recall former President Trump's public admission last year that if mail-in voting was not reined in, "you'd never have a Republican elected in this country again". As for "minor burdens" on the right to vote, the burdens are minor as long as they affect minorities' right to vote; in the same way that "minor surgery" is surgery on someone else. Given that these efforts at the state level in many states are already under way and that cases coming before the Supreme Court in the near future are likely to further erode the Voting Rights Act, it is of paramount importance that Democrats push forward with H.R. 1, a comprehensive election reform legislation. If you have not heard about this bill, I recommend you look it up. It is an attempt to bring election procedures into the 21st century thereby countering Republican efforts to push them in the opposite direction, i.e. to the Jim Crow era. The combination of majorities in both the House and Senate and control of the White House is a rare opportunity and should not be wasted. The people who voted for these Democratic majorities and President Biden, expect no less and must not be let down. There will be much gnashing of teeth etc. from Republicans in response to this measure and it should be treated with the same righteous indignation Republicans are so good at feigning when they are in control and are pushing some of their pet issues. Please call your Congressman, Republican or Democrat, and let him/her know you expect them to support it. This measure must pass in the current Congress in order to be in effect in the 2022 election.

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