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Blog: Welcome

Broken clock

Scientists, especially at the CDC and National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, have come under fire from "conservative"...

Satyagraha... a Sanskrit word meaning insistence on, or holding firm to, the truth and was the term used by M K Gandhi (aka the Mahatma) to...

If a tree falls in a forest... a philosophical thought experiment which is not the purpose of this blog but could be used to introduce the topic I want to address...

Action vs reaction

My high school language tests would often ask us to "compare & contrast" two characters or situations in a literary work. Following that...

2nd Amendment..addendum

This post is a response to feedback from a reader - I'll call him Mike - who says "You will stop having anyone to vote for as no...

A well organized militia...

The report by the Capitol Police Inspector-General regarding the 1/6/21 insurrection brought back the thoughts provoked by that event in...

I'm back

My unusually long silence may have had readers wondering if I had decided to hang it up after the Biden inauguration. Rest assured, the...

Beyond the pale

The expression is defined as "outside the bounds of acceptable behavior" and fits what Republicans are doing in states where they control...

"A crisis is...

...a terrible thing to waste". This quote is attributed to Nobel laureate, Stanford economist Paul Romer. If the present situation with...

If you're not with us...'re against us. The last time I remember hearing those words was when Bush 43 spoke from the still smoldering ruins of the World...

"I didn't leave...

...the Democratic Party, the Party left me" Ronald Reagan is quoted as saying about how he came to be a Republican. Today, ironically,...

One year...

...and counting. I realized the other day that it's been a year since I started writing this blog. My reason for starting this blog was...

How far... too far? The 95% tax rate the Beatles sang about in Taxman is an example of going too far left. The extremism we have seen in the...

If at first... don't succeed, try, try again. In my last post I said 1/6/21 should be etched into our consciousness just like 9/11/01. I stand by...

E pluribus unum...

...meaning "from many, one", our national motto, has been on my mind since the election of 2016, and the events of yesterday (1/6/21)...

The real issue

My last post was about the deplorable qualities of the two current senators from Georgia. They are unfortunately not unique in this...


With the run-off election for both Senate seats from Georgia under way I want to draw attention to the two Republican candidates. David...

Rigged elections?

President Trump continues his whining about rigged elections even as he tries to pursuade Georgia voters to turn out for the two...


The recent election highlighted the lack of understanding on the part of many Americans of the term socialism. An example of this is...


...when former President Clinton's conversation with Attorney General Loretta Lynch on the tarmac in Arizona, during the time when...

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